

The daily life of a Mother,Wife & Entrepreneur



#1 Daily life of a Superwoman

It's 2 AM and it finally looks like the little one is going to sleep for longer than 10 minutes. Sigh of relief, and I don't even feel bad about it. See, I've been trying to get work done since... Continue Reading →

Fighting the sleep

I know it's been a couple of months since my last post, don't give me that judgy eye. As if you are so consistent with EVERYRHING you do. By the way, happy new year to you all! Here's the update:... Continue Reading →

1:26 AM

It's 1:26 AM in the morning, and little one is latched on. It seems to become more like the norm than the exeption to start my working day after midnight while running around with little one during the day. What... Continue Reading →

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